體驗普通市民的生活,食物,只有走入市民的生活空間才發現得到。 Experience with local home-based friendliness, near-city located.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
马奴干海岛 Pulau Manukan
Jesselton Point -Boat fees (return) 船费来回 RM24.20
卖船票的人会误导游客,船费只须 RM17,其实还要附加 Terminal fees,买票前先询问多几个柜台。
The ticket seller will normally mislead tourists. The boat fee is only RM17 but there are other additional terminal fees so it is better to survey a couple of counters before deciding on which counter to buy it from.,
Note that some counters will get you to wait a long time before boarding the right boat.
It is better to understand the breakdown of the fees and especially get the contact number of the company just in case there are any problem with early or late pickup.
Places of Interest in KK 亚庇好去处
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
不理想的房客。。。。Not the ideal guest
我头脑烧坏了才会接到这种客人.长得样衰不是你的错, 不停的吸烟我也懒得理你,毕竟那个是你的肺.
I think I was stupid enough to have accepted such a guest. It wasn't your fault being ugly and I can't be bothered if you can't stop smoking, it's your lungs anyway.
I'd told you that smoking is not allowed indoor. It seems like you don't understand Chinese? Probably I need to speak in English?? I get really furious when guests simply bring in any strangers and you brought in two and they both looked like the baddies.....totally obnoxious.
最后收拾客房时发现好像二次大战过后的场面...... 而且不见了东西.......虽然不是贵重的东西,可是让我好难受啊.... T_T ...
After you check-out, the room was like after world-war-2. There were even things gone missing from the room. Although those were small things, I am still upset about it.
~~~~~~ We only serve Genuine Holiday Maker and Businessman/woman ~~~~~~~~
I think I was stupid enough to have accepted such a guest. It wasn't your fault being ugly and I can't be bothered if you can't stop smoking, it's your lungs anyway.
I'd told you that smoking is not allowed indoor. It seems like you don't understand Chinese? Probably I need to speak in English?? I get really furious when guests simply bring in any strangers and you brought in two and they both looked like the baddies.....totally obnoxious.
最后收拾客房时发现好像二次大战过后的场面...... 而且不见了东西.......虽然不是贵重的东西,可是让我好难受啊.... T_T ...
After you check-out, the room was like after world-war-2. There were even things gone missing from the room. Although those were small things, I am still upset about it.
~~~~~~ We only serve Genuine Holiday Maker and Businessman/woman ~~~~~~~~
All about The House民宿的故事
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
莫明其妙地變成了接待家庭 --> Host Family
(Last Saturday, I had a Japanese guest. It was a very special experience. He was different from our other guests. He asked if he could come with me to attend a church wedding and even sat and had chats with my family. When he was hungry, he will tell us that he wanted to eat... It was quite confusing at first. But after many chats, I found out that he wanted to experienced the life of a Chinese family. He has actually experienced it with the Bumiputras and also Indias whom was his host family.)
因為一路以來對homestay, bed & breakfast, 民宿的界限概念都很模糊。
從網站抓到的資料顯示﹔所謂接待家庭 (Host Family) 又称寄宿家庭、志愿者家庭、爱心家庭或主人家庭。此类项目是为外国人在其逗留的国家以有偿服务的形式,提供住房与生活基本设施,旨在提高其在该国家的生活能力与品质。
(It is because the concept of homestay and best & breakfast has been very blurred. From the internet, Host family is also known as HomeStay, Family Host, Volunteer Family, Family Love or HostFamily. In this category, foreigners who lives here for short term are provided with variety of facilities and services included the basic means of accommodation and living facilities. Foreigners can therefore experience the quality of living in this certain country. The host family can also take this opportunity to understand and learn to accept the ways of living of this foreigner.
而此字「民宿」源自日本,原意與英美的「Bed & Breakfast」(簡稱B&B)有許多相似之處[1],也就是僅提供住宿與免費早餐的家庭旅館。在中國,「便民招待所」與「農家樂」接近於這個定義。
The word Hosting, which is actually originated from Japan with the original meaning for Bed & Breakfast (in short B&B) has a lot of similarities with Host Family especially the services like free breakfast and staying with the family of the host. In China, the "Convenient Guest House" and "Peasant Farm" has quite similar meanings too.
而 Bed and Breakfast 可以解析為﹕A private residence, several rooms of which are set aside for overnight guests whose paid accommodations include breakfast.
繼續找到關於“Homestay” is a form of tourism and/or study abroad program that allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability.[1] While homestays can occur in any destination worldwide, some countries do more to encourage homestay than others as a means of developing their tourism industry.[2] Hosting a homestay participant also allows the local family to earn some additional, needed income. Having low profitability, as it is, homestay can not be regarded as strictly commercial activity, but more of cross cultural exchange.
I was not quite sure what was my mission and vision for this 2071 B&B but after this, I finally understand what I have in hand now. Sometimes I thought this is just a waste of time but what I didn't know was that every step I made, is a knowledge I gained. This has also made clear for me, what I want in life.
(Last Saturday, I had a Japanese guest. It was a very special experience. He was different from our other guests. He asked if he could come with me to attend a church wedding and even sat and had chats with my family. When he was hungry, he will tell us that he wanted to eat... It was quite confusing at first. But after many chats, I found out that he wanted to experienced the life of a Chinese family. He has actually experienced it with the Bumiputras and also Indias whom was his host family.)
因為一路以來對homestay, bed & breakfast, 民宿的界限概念都很模糊。
從網站抓到的資料顯示﹔所謂接待家庭 (Host Family) 又称寄宿家庭、志愿者家庭、爱心家庭或主人家庭。此类项目是为外国人在其逗留的国家以有偿服务的形式,提供住房与生活基本设施,旨在提高其在该国家的生活能力与品质。
(It is because the concept of homestay and best & breakfast has been very blurred. From the internet, Host family is also known as HomeStay, Family Host, Volunteer Family, Family Love or HostFamily. In this category, foreigners who lives here for short term are provided with variety of facilities and services included the basic means of accommodation and living facilities. Foreigners can therefore experience the quality of living in this certain country. The host family can also take this opportunity to understand and learn to accept the ways of living of this foreigner.
而此字「民宿」源自日本,原意與英美的「Bed & Breakfast」(簡稱B&B)有許多相似之處[1],也就是僅提供住宿與免費早餐的家庭旅館。在中國,「便民招待所」與「農家樂」接近於這個定義。
The word Hosting, which is actually originated from Japan with the original meaning for Bed & Breakfast (in short B&B) has a lot of similarities with Host Family especially the services like free breakfast and staying with the family of the host. In China, the "Convenient Guest House" and "Peasant Farm" has quite similar meanings too.
而 Bed and Breakfast 可以解析為﹕A private residence, several rooms of which are set aside for overnight guests whose paid accommodations include breakfast.
繼續找到關於“Homestay” is a form of tourism and/or study abroad program that allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability.[1] While homestays can occur in any destination worldwide, some countries do more to encourage homestay than others as a means of developing their tourism industry.[2] Hosting a homestay participant also allows the local family to earn some additional, needed income. Having low profitability, as it is, homestay can not be regarded as strictly commercial activity, but more of cross cultural exchange.
I was not quite sure what was my mission and vision for this 2071 B&B but after this, I finally understand what I have in hand now. Sometimes I thought this is just a waste of time but what I didn't know was that every step I made, is a knowledge I gained. This has also made clear for me, what I want in life.
All about The House民宿的故事
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
接管2071之後生活開始變得有趣了~ (Life is starting to get interesting since I took over 2071)
正式開始管理接手2071 B&B是在去年12月。
The official handover of 2071 was actually in last December 2009.
And since December, I seemed to have brainstorm almost all the time trying to figure out how am I going to get into through into the network promoting this place.
Finally I decided that to get things ON, I must get 2071 online! Of course the old way is still very important eg words of mouth and newspaper ads. The results were quite obvious actually.
廣告之後﹐手機開始忙起來了﹐比如不時會收到莫明其妙的 Miss Call 而且Miss個不停﹐幸好我有耐心﹐讓他Miss了又Miss Call﹐反正他自己手累而已。
After the advertisements, I started getting calls from all sorts of people. For example, I'd got dozens of missed-call nonstop. Luckily I have some patience in me and figured that fella will get tired of doing that eventually.
因為有心人﹐不會給你斷續的還有些人打來向我殺價﹐說 KK 市區的房租更便宜﹐怎麼你的不能再減價﹐我只是要待幾個鐘而已。我立刻回他哪你去KK市區租房吧﹐反正那裡便宜。天真的我沒有想到租幾個鐘的意思。
It is because I know that if that person has genuine interest in my b&b, they will definitely call up and negotiate the price. Some called and said that the room rate in KK town is much cheaper and why can't you give me discount as I only needed it for a couple of hours. I snapped back to him that he should just go rent the room in KK town instead since it is cheaper there. I was silly enough not to know what his 'couple of hours' meant that time!
再下一個﹐說是KK人﹐要來租房﹐我問他你自己是本地人﹐干嗎還要租房呢﹖ 他說要帶女朋友來住一晚。。。。 “叮”我才醒起。。立刻問他﹐你要開房﹖他答是啊﹐帶點不好意思﹐我語氣變得嚴厲說對不起我們不租給開房的。過後自己覺得問方面太有問題了﹐可是。。。不然該怎麼問嘛﹖
Later on, another person called saying that he is from KK and would like to rent a room. I questioned him of why does he need to rent a room since he is a local. He said he would like to bring his girlfriend over for a night.... 'Ding!' It just knocked on me....immediately I asked him if he wanted a room just for 'that'. He said yes shyly. I then sternly rejected his request for the room. After that I felt that my questions were somewhat absurd but how else am I supposed to ask??
The official handover of 2071 was actually in last December 2009.
And since December, I seemed to have brainstorm almost all the time trying to figure out how am I going to get into through into the network promoting this place.
Finally I decided that to get things ON, I must get 2071 online! Of course the old way is still very important eg words of mouth and newspaper ads. The results were quite obvious actually.
廣告之後﹐手機開始忙起來了﹐比如不時會收到莫明其妙的 Miss Call 而且Miss個不停﹐幸好我有耐心﹐讓他Miss了又Miss Call﹐反正他自己手累而已。
After the advertisements, I started getting calls from all sorts of people. For example, I'd got dozens of missed-call nonstop. Luckily I have some patience in me and figured that fella will get tired of doing that eventually.
因為有心人﹐不會給你斷續的還有些人打來向我殺價﹐說 KK 市區的房租更便宜﹐怎麼你的不能再減價﹐我只是要待幾個鐘而已。我立刻回他哪你去KK市區租房吧﹐反正那裡便宜。天真的我沒有想到租幾個鐘的意思。
It is because I know that if that person has genuine interest in my b&b, they will definitely call up and negotiate the price. Some called and said that the room rate in KK town is much cheaper and why can't you give me discount as I only needed it for a couple of hours. I snapped back to him that he should just go rent the room in KK town instead since it is cheaper there. I was silly enough not to know what his 'couple of hours' meant that time!
再下一個﹐說是KK人﹐要來租房﹐我問他你自己是本地人﹐干嗎還要租房呢﹖ 他說要帶女朋友來住一晚。。。。 “叮”我才醒起。。立刻問他﹐你要開房﹖他答是啊﹐帶點不好意思﹐我語氣變得嚴厲說對不起我們不租給開房的。過後自己覺得問方面太有問題了﹐可是。。。不然該怎麼問嘛﹖
Later on, another person called saying that he is from KK and would like to rent a room. I questioned him of why does he need to rent a room since he is a local. He said he would like to bring his girlfriend over for a night.... 'Ding!' It just knocked on me....immediately I asked him if he wanted a room just for 'that'. He said yes shyly. I then sternly rejected his request for the room. After that I felt that my questions were somewhat absurd but how else am I supposed to ask??
All about The House民宿的故事
Friday, 26 February 2010
【沙巴。亞庇。2071民宿】來我家吧~~~ 沙巴民宿 (Come visit me~ Sabah's B&B)


2071 民宿是一間獨立洋房﹐是父親為祖父母設計畫圖監工建造的。它已經經歷了31年的人與事。後來的10年﹐我們4兄妹陸續出國唸書工作﹐這所房子漸漸的從熱鬧走向冷清清。。
2071 Homestay is a bungalow which was designed and built by my Dad for his father. It has gone through some ups and downs of 31 years. The later of the 10years, four of us siblings had further our studies and working elsewhere. And seemingly this house has lost its warmth... but now, leaving only me and my parents to withstand this old house; my brother and sisters have started family and career at other cities. So since we have some extra rooms to spare, we decided to change them into little comfort rooms for the businessmen/women and travellers who need a little getaway~
Double Sharing (2 pax) : RM80 / nite (Attached Bathroom)
Tripple Sharing (3 pax) : RM80 / nite (Sharing Bathroom) 客房設備:1張大床,1張單人床,熱水器,吹風機,空調,浴室(房外)
Family Suite (4 pax) : RM120 / nite (Attached Bathroom)客房設備:1張大床,2張單人床,熱水器,空調,吹風機,浴室,2張沙發椅
Note: 1. All room rates stated above inclusive of simple breakfast
備註 1:以上房型一律包含簡易早餐。
Check in 時間: 下午2:00pm
Check Out 時間: 早上11:00pm之前
Oversea guests who are interested in holidaying in Sabah, please consider the 2071 Bed & Breakfast. Although we may not have luxurious facilities but we offer you simple, clean and comfortable environment for a lovely stay.
若是有其他方面不清楚﹐歡迎聯繫(For more information, please feel free to contact﹕
Kah Li (嘉麗)
預訂時請告知(For booking, please indicate the following details)﹕
- 到達民宿以及退房具體時間 (Actual time of arrival)
- 入住人數以及天數(幾個晚上﹖(Total Number of Days of stay)
- 入住以及退房日期 (Check-in & Check-out Date & Time)
- 客人姓名性別 (Guest's Full Name and Gender)
- 聯絡電話和Email (Contact Number & Email address)
- 確定之後請預付一晚住宿費定金。( One night room rental for deposit)
關於付款方面﹐請先聯絡Kah Li(嘉麗) Please contact KL for payment method.
p/s 2071民宿是家庭經營並且是和民宿主人一家同住一屋檐下﹐2071民宿沒有豪華的裝修,華麗的傢価,民宿的主旨是給予旅遊的朋友們一個乾淨安全舒服的環境。所以若是對住宿品質非常有要求的朋友們請先了解多一點才做決定。
(2071 Bed and Breakfast is a place where guests will be staying under the same roof with the host.
one of our mission is to provide our guests a clean and safe environment. Therefore, it is better for guests to get to know more about our b&b before deciding on the stay.)
(2071 Bed and Breakfast is a place where guests will be staying under the same roof with the host.
one of our mission is to provide our guests a clean and safe environment. Therefore, it is better for guests to get to know more about our b&b before deciding on the stay.)
Guest Room 客房介绍,
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