Thursday, 17 March 2011

生活在民宿菜园的瓢虫 Bugbug who lives in the garden

Is this a type of Coccinella??

Sunday, 13 March 2011

沙巴亚庇的水上清真寺 Floating Mosque in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

可以和我们商量安排,只算回petrol fees就好了 ^_^
一路上,还可以顺便看看敦马士达化大厦(Yayasan Sabah Foundation),

The Floating Mosque is located nearby the Guesthouse.
If guests are interested to visit the Mosque, do let us know,
we will arrange transportation with just a minimal of petrol fee.
Guests will also be able to view the
Yayasan Sabah Foundation tower along the way.