Tuesday 30 March 2010

莫明其妙地變成了接待家庭 --> Host Family


(Last Saturday, I had a Japanese guest. It was a very special experience. He was different from our other guests. He asked if he could come with me to attend a church wedding and even sat and had chats with my family. When he was hungry, he will tell us that he wanted to eat... It was quite confusing at first. But after many chats, I found out that he wanted to experienced the life of a Chinese family. He has actually experienced it with the Bumiputras and also Indias whom was his host family.)

因為一路以來對homestay, bed & breakfast, 民宿的界限概念都很模糊。
從網站抓到的資料顯示﹔所謂接待家庭 (Host Family) 又称寄宿家庭、志愿者家庭、爱心家庭或主人家庭。此类项目是为外国人在其逗留的国家以有偿服务的形式,提供住房与生活基本设施,旨在提高其在该国家的生活能力与品质。
(It is because the concept of homestay and best & breakfast has been very blurred. From the internet, Host family is also known as HomeStay, Family Host, Volunteer Family, Family Love or HostFamily. In this category, foreigners who lives here for short term are provided with variety of facilities and services included the basic means of accommodation and living facilities. Foreigners can therefore experience the quality of living in this certain country. The host family can also take this opportunity to understand and learn to accept the ways of living of this foreigner.

而此字「民宿」源自日本,原意與英美的「Bed & Breakfast」(簡稱B&B)有許多相似之處[1],也就是僅提供住宿與免費早餐的家庭旅館。在中國,「便民招待所」與「農家樂」接近於這個定義。
The word Hosting, which is actually originated from Japan with the original meaning for Bed & Breakfast (in short B&B) has a lot of similarities with Host Family especially the services like free breakfast and staying with the family of the host. In China, the "Convenient Guest House" and "Peasant Farm" has quite similar meanings too.

而 Bed and Breakfast 可以解析為﹕A private residence, several rooms of which are set aside for overnight guests whose paid accommodations include breakfast.

繼續找到關於“Homestay” is a form of tourism and/or study abroad program that allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability.[1] While homestays can occur in any destination worldwide, some countries do more to encourage homestay than others as a means of developing their tourism industry.[2] Hosting a homestay participant also allows the local family to earn some additional, needed income. Having low profitability, as it is, homestay can not be regarded as strictly commercial activity, but more of cross cultural exchange.


I was not quite sure what was my mission and vision for this 2071 B&B but after this, I finally understand what I have in hand now. Sometimes I thought this is just a waste of time but what I didn't know was that every step I made, is a knowledge I gained. This has also made clear for me, what I want in life.